Friday, September 26, 2008

The Art of Saying No

The Art of Saying No

Are you constantly doing work for others? Are you the type of person who is willing to do what it takes to be a good friend, but find that it is abused?

Learning the art of saying no can help you regain control over your life. By learning the art of saying no, you will find yourself freed from the burden of doing things you don't need to do. You will be freed to live your priorities, and spend your valuable time how you want.

Now, this does not mean choosing to be selfish, or less thoughtful, rather it is about conscious choice.

Here is a quick process for saying no:

  1. Think of the whole commitment: Listen to what the person is asking and assess the entire commitment. Does it have an ongoing commitment attached to it?
  2. Consider your values: How does it serve you to say yes to this commitment? How does it serve you to say no?
  3. Take some time to answer: Get in the habit of taking some time to answer, give yourself the space to make a conscious choice. Other people will learn that this is how you process requests, and learn to expect to wait for an answer.
  4. If it doesn't fit with your schedule or values, then just say no. Be direct, and don't apologize. You can explain the reason for your decision if need be.
  5. Recognize what you have said yes to instead.
  6. Look at your decisions and review how this has changed what you do. Are there choices that you made that you would like to change in the future?
  7. Celebrate the fact that you are now more conscious in your life!!



Saying no is one of the most important skills you can develop in this world of increasing demands. The ability to consciously make the choice to say yes to what you want, and no to what you do not want is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Practice the art of saying no in your life, and watch how your energy rises when what you do is what you really want to do more often.

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