Thursday, June 19, 2008

Evolution Coaching

Started a new company called Evolution Coaching. What a transformation I continue to go through in order to achieve the life I am looking for. I am evolving with everyday, and yet part of me is still held back by the same old habits that kept me low before. I try to remember that my habits are not me. I am not just a collection of things that I do, but I am the elusive greatness that dwells within me to affect the world in a massively positive way. I am happy to be coaching, and only wish I could be doing it more. I am inpired by those I work with, and love them for their essence, I hope that they see it soon. There is greatness in everyone of them, and I think that as time moves on, and coaching takes hold there will be only more powerful sessions, and only more powerful and impactful results. It feels great to be making a positive change in the world! I love the adventure perspective, and I love that I can rest into life. Instead of battling with time, I can move with time in ease. I can inflict my own pressure if I chose, or I can slow to a turtles pace, and consciously move with beauty. Infinite possibilities in everyday. What is my adventure tomorrow??