Monday, September 29, 2008

The Invitation

There is an invitation being handed out across the world right now.
Would you like to change?
What I see in the financial crisis of our time is a sense of proof that profit for the motive of just profit doesn't work. Most of North America is feeling a vulnerability right now that they haven't felt in their lifetime. Most probably see it as a real risk to their way of life, and all of the good things that their money can buy. I put forward that maybe this is an invitation to change. Maybe this is an opportunity to reset our goals and aspirations into something that is more important than the almighty buck. Maybe there is a chance here for enough vulnerability that there is no choice but to make the change that in the end will line us up with what is important in our lives. Love, compassion, connection, authenticity, service. There is a calling right now, can you hear it? Find your real values. center your compass to them, and live your life in that direction. This is your invitation to live life as you want to. Now it is your choice.

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